How do i conserve my jewelry ?" This is the main question for our clients. So I decided to share some tips that can help increase the lifespan of your semi jewelry.
At Diosa Jewelry our semi-jewels are made with high technical standards, but some care is needed to maintain the good condition of the pieces. Your jewelry can be damaged by chemicals, soaps, strong blows or intense friction.
Check out the most common mistakes:
1. Inappropriate use of perfume
Did you know that jewelry and perfumes, two icons of feminine desire, do not piss? The perfume contains substances that affect metals, and alter their color and shine. Therefore, avoid contact with perfumes, lotions and shampoo.
First pass the perfume, wait to dry and only then put your favorite jewelry or biju.
2. Using your jewelry on the beach
Prolonged exposure to chlorine or seawater may weaken the jewelry plating ,it will cause it to break and tarnish quickly
Avoid this contact. You will not want to miss your jewelry. Right?
3. Keeping all your jewelry mixed up
Stones, beads and metals have different degrees of hardness and can scratch. Store your semi-jewels separately.
reuse the little boxes of Diosa
4. Other care
In addition, remove the rings when washing hands, and after use gently wipe the parts with a dry paper. Avoid sleeping with your jewelry, using them for housework, at the gym, in the pool baths.
These are small care that makes all the difference. Now, .You already know how to care for the jewelry you like the most : improper use can detonate your jewelry